Sunday, February 27, 2011

16 weeks

February 23, 2010

Wow! What a couple of weeks. Starting the new job has been exhausting and nonstop. I have had to still work my full time shifts at Vanderbilt too. At one point I worked 12 days in a row with just one day off in between. Craziness. Saving up for our little one. =) So not much else has happened since the last post. Just sleeping and working. Good thing I have been feeling better. Seth has been sweet too, he has helped with dinner the past few nights. The other morning I got home and was telling him about the dinner plans for that evening, I gave him two different options based on what ingredients we had, one significantly simpler than the other. One involved putting some chicken in a pan, add some things on top and baking for one hour. The other, well, it was lasagna, so it was a much more detailed process and truthfully he was still half asleep when I was briefly explaining the options. That evening I woke up before work to a fabulously delicious homemade lasagna!! Who would of thought that would of been his choice. And  he already had everything cleaned up, it was just ready for me to eat and go to work. So sweet. Well, hopefully I won't go so long between my next posts. We are both excited about the baby, so fun =)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I didn't believe it until I saw the pictures... You are showing! Sooo exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

Grandma & Grandpa STEPHENS are CELEBRATING everyday! We can't wait to see you next week. Baby Cain sent us a message to give to Mommy. REST, RELAX and EAT WELL, and to Daddy, THANK YOU so much for taking care of Mommy.....